FORTUNE – Italian edition
In the Italian edition of FORTUNE; Carlotta Balena interviewed the Ecoplasteam administrator, Stefano Richaud, discussing our EcoAllene® project and the nomination as finalist for the Green Alley Award 2018 which will proclaim the winner in Berlin on October 18th!
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Read MoreGreen Alley Awards Finalist 2018
With our EcoAllene® project, Ecoplasteam reached the final at the Green Alley Award 2018; the first European competition for start-ups in the field of Circular Economy.
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Read MorePlastic recyling update
Article by Jared Paben with an interview with Anthony Georges, President of AMUT North-America, published on Plastics Recycling Update in Portland, Oregon.
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Read MoreEnvironmental protection: the most ingenious initiatives launched in Italy
An interesting article published on, advertises two virtuous initiatives launched in Bibione and Milan.
The Lido of Bibione (Venice) has decided to ban smoking on the beach, thus avoiding passive smoking for non-smokers and also tackling the issue of cigarette butts on the beach and at sea.
The municipality of Milan instead invites merchants and restaurateurs to adopt as far as possible, easily recyclable materials.
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Read MoreRecycling of packaging has grown in 2018
According to the Conai (National Consortium of Packaging); in Italy during 2018, the amount of packaging released for consumption amounts to 13.425 million tonnes with
un incremento del +2,8% rispetto al 2017, mentre le quantità avviate a riciclo risulterebbero pari a 9.182 milioni di tonnellate, ovvero il +4,1% in più rispetto all’anno precedente.
Un trend positivo che speriamo continui a crescere!
Read MoreEcoplasteam on the PlasticFinder platform
From the collaboration between PlasticFinder and Ecoplasteam, the possibility of buying EcoAllene® online is born!
It will also be possible to request samples and technical support.
Here is the link:
Read MorePlastic waste and recycling in the EU: numbers and facts
The European Union has published figures relating to plastic production and its recycling.
It is estimated that 39% of plastic waste is incinerated, 31% buried and only 30% is recycled!
Half of the plastic collected for recycling is exported for processing in non-EU countries. Reasons for which plastic is exported include the lack of infrastructure, technology or adequate financial resources to treat the waste locally. In the past, a significant portion of the exported plastic waste was shipped to China, however recently the country has blocked the import of plastic waste. It has therefore become urgent to find other solutions.
However, MEPs stress the need to create measures that can stimulate the market for the use of recycled plastic. These measures should include:
- Create quality standards for secondary plastic (reused)
- Create certifications that encourage trust from industry and consumers
- Introduce mandatory rules on the minimum quantities of recycled content within certain products
- Encourage member states to introduce a VAT reduction on recycled products
We hope that we will arrive at the embracement of concrete incentive measures for recycling, for both companies and households.
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